Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Time To....sing

I have a concert tonight at 7, I have to be there at 6. I'm in the women's ensemble so I have to practice with Mrs. Kerns* until Mr. Coleman arrives. The only thing I'm petrified of is awards. Since it's the end of the school year, everybody that has participated in choir, and has paid off their fees, is getting an award at the end of the show. That means I'm getting an award.
Okay. Right, left, right, left, right. Shake with your right, take award with your left. It a medallion, that's all it is. Not heavy, not a giant trophy like the juniors and up get. Just a little necklace. Okay. Going back now. Right, left, right, left, right, left, right. Stand with your medallion for the last two songs and then go down to meet mom and (vacant air).
I don't know how many times I've rehearsed that in my head. I have no clue why I'm so scared. Is it because I'm being praised? I sure as hell don't feel like I did anything worthwhile; I just sang. I love to sing, I'm not sure how many times I've repeated myself saying that, I'm pretty sure I just repeated myself saying I don't know how many times I've repeated myself. This is getting confusing.
I always run away from good things, I'm happiest being let alone. I could spend 2.5 decades just staring at a wall. It wouldn't bother me. Besides, I sing on a daily basis, and get yelled at for it. I just don't feel like I've accomplished anything by doing what I've always done.

Oh well, see you later folks. Mama's got a date with the risers tonight.

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