Sunday, May 29, 2011

Concerts and Tornadoes

AHHHHHHH! Sorry I've been absent. Seems as though Blogger hates me, as I haven't been able to post on my blog since Wednesday. I always got this: "Sorry Julie, we cannot let you post on your blog because we hate you and want to be a pain in your ass." Well, here are the couple of things I have wanted to tell y'all since then:

Okay, we went to see Secondhand Serenade at the Attic (Positive Space, BAHAHA) and it was a-mayy-ziinnggg. When we first got there, we were standing in line for like twenty minutes, before we were let in. This oriental guy (who sounded quite girl-ish) marked our hands with Xs and we were let in. Let me just tell you this one thing if you've never been to the Attic: ES WAYY DIFFERENT THAN YOU EXPECT!
First of all, they have two stages. When you walk in, there's a room with pool tables, then you go through a little arch-way thing-ma-bobb and there are like, forty couches all aligned in a perfect square right smack-dab in the center of the room. On your right is the front stage, and on your left is the booths. The booths run all the way to the back of the room, pausing for game-machines, and stop when they get to the signing tables.
Next to the front stage is the concession things. The food place. Way too expensive. Anyway, next to that is the bathrooms, and then there's the main stage. The main stage is not exactly as big as you'd expect. It's a small venue, and the Attic is right next to a Hallmart. You can't ask for much.
Kay, done with descriptions. When we (my cousin Emmie, my other cousin Marcie, my boyfriend Dorian, and I) got there, we heard a not-so-good band play on the front stage. Cool, yaay, music. Then another band played at the main stage. They were good. Then another played at front stage, and two more played on the main stage. We waited FOREVER for Secondhand Serenade to come on, and sadly, Dorian had to leave before they even got set up.
Time to Dance! Jessica arrived just before they played their first song. While they were getting set up they played hardcore techno and some other really great songs. They flashed lights in the rooms and everyone was dancing. It reminded me of how I've always envisioned raves. Oh! And I forgot to mention. They played two songs there before the two bands played on the main stage and everybody did the dance moves in the center of the dance floor.
The set list went like this: Maybe, I don't remember, Random song, Song I know but can't place, random song, Fall For You, Song I know but can't place, Random song, Random song. Before they sang Fall For You, John (the vocalist, he was touring alone) called come chick up there to sign her shirt. He told her that she had to stay up there and sing with him and then he would sign her shirt. AWEESOMMEE.
BY THE WAY: While this was all happening. There was a tornado warning out for our county. The sirens went off! I screamed "IT HIROSHIMA ALL OVER AGAIN!" in the room and everybody laughed. They said if a tornado came, we'd all move over to the right wall because it was safe, and the owner of the Attic said he'd be in the girls' bathroom. They also said they'd keep singing, and if the power went out, they'd just have to sing louder. Best. Place. Ever.
Okay, so John came down into the crowd to sign everybody's shirt/paper/blah blah. YAY! (By now, the tornado warning has ended...sadly) Jessica bought a shirt and got it signed, and I asked him for a hug. He was like "Sure." and I was like "HUGG!" Then we all sat on the edge of the front stage and watched boys do back flips and show off. Emmie got two random guys' numbers (one of which she went on a date with today, and dragged me along.) Then we walked across the street to Sonic and ordered drinks. Then we said our goodbyes and I spent the night at Emmie's. The end.

I took pictures but they ALL came out blurry or too far away to see! Oh well. It was fun. I am so totally doing this again. I hath delcared it!!!

Alright. Goodnight.

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