Sunday, May 1, 2011

Okay, damn.

"So there's this girl..

She's like my sister. She makes me smile when I'm sad. She holds me when i cry. She comforts me. She frustrates me, but i love her to death. She annoys the crap out of me sometimes, but i hate being away from her. She eats all my Pop-Tarts, and mistakes peaches for mangoes. She's taught me more about myself than i could ever learn on my own. She's been by my side through the thick and thin for 6 years now. Nobody understands how close we are. She always makes me turn the light out, but i don't think i could live without her. Oh, and did i mention she's my best friend?

i love you Julie!!(;"  -- You posted this on your blog quite a while ago.
Why, why now, is it that I'm missing you? The first time we stopped talking, I cried. We became friends again. The second time we stopped talking, which we haven't really talked since, I figured we couldn't be friends. We are, although not always have been, different people. Not cut out to be friends. I'm sorry.
Does this make me a horrible person? I miss you. When it all blew up in my face, when I tried to talk to you after the second time, I blocked you out again. You blocked me out again.
So I suppose this is the third time we've stopped talking completely, and I'm just now starting to miss you? This is sinking in, now? Now? I shouldn't have checked up on your blog. I know you haven't posted in over four months. You only have seven posts. One was about me. Two, were about me. The rest about him.
This little glimmer of hope, maybe that you posted. Maybe it was about me. An apology? Who am I kidding?
I need to stop this. I'm only hurting myself.

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