Monday, May 23, 2011

Brendon's Perspective

I have officially decoded New Perspective. This song is not about how horny Brendon can get (like most of you suspect) or about the break-up. Y'all have it completely backwards. It's actually talking about...get this! instead of having sex with his girlfriend...gasp!.....waiting.
I know! I know! It's a very hard concept for you teens to grasp. Not having sex? Brenny must have lost his marbles! But.....hold onto your hats folks!......he doesn't just wanna get it and go. He actually wants to get to know her ('her' being Sarah) instead of her just knowing him as (as most of you call him) sex-machine. Awe, now isn't that....sweet?
Explanation time: "Can we fast-forward to go down on me....stop there, let me correct it!" Getting the picture here? Yay. Anyway, this was not only about how many times I can type 'sex' in one post (or using Brendon and 'sex' in the same sentence) it's about respect.
Yes, folks, you probably assume by now that, no, my respect and loyalty do not come easily (nevertheless, once you've earned, it ain't easy to shoo it away either), but this made me respect Brendon a little more. That got me thinking (yay...thoughts!) about respect. About how even the simplest words can alter somebodies initial thought of you.
Heck, when I first heard about Panic! (waaayyy back when. I was like, four. /exaggeration) I thought Brendon was....a tad bit odd. I never liked him at first. To me, he was annoying and immature (although, I can't really talk). I preferred Hermit (HUGE mistake) over anybody else in the band. Then Blue, then Beardy...and so on. But that's besides the point.
What I'm trying to say here is; don't let first impressions slow you down. Respect can be gained and lost, just as much as weight can. Even the simplest, littlest things can change someones opinion; persuade, sway in your direction, like treading on water (sarcastic analogies? oh! you've done it this time Jules).

So, even after someone has made their opinion blatant to you, don't stop trying to change it just because you think you can't earn their respect. Brendon earned mine.

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