Thursday, May 19, 2011

A few things...

A few things I want to talk about:

1.) Apparently, I am color-blind, and I think my house is purple and my dog is red. I find this absolutely hilarious.

2.) I now smell like cigarettes. Thanks.

3.) There are rumors going around about me; whenever someone confronts me about one of them, I laugh in their face and tell them to believe what they want to believe, because I honestly don't care anymore. This is true.

4.) Four is my favorite number. This is on number four. 4 is also $. Eat that, 7, 8, 9.

5.) I am going to see Panic! At The Disco (whom I've loved and been obsessed with for a good 5 years now) perform at (insert venue here) on June 9th. I am extremely excited.

6.) I still play Neopets. I am 14.

7.) I zone out in attempt to cope with reality. I do not like reality. Evidently, I do like to repeat myself.

8.) I had to add something personal in this post because the thought of a post that is completely light and humorous made my skin crawl.

9.) I am a bit insane.

10.) This post was completely pointless.

Enjoy (;

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