Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thank You Again

I never did thank any of you for saving my life. Whenever I worked up the nerve to swallow the pills, you're always there to reinforce the scarce good that this world has left. At least that's something to live for. There are no beautiful suicides. Just heartbroken bastards with cold souls and shit in their minds. So I wanted to take the time to thank those of you who helped me put the bottle of pills down.

Thank you; Jessica.
Thank you; Mommy
Thank you; Daddy
Thank you; Aunt Angie
Thank you; Grandma
Thank you; Grandpa
Thank you; Autumn B.
Thank you; Hayley
Thank you; Bobert
Thank you; Keltie
Thank you; Mary
Thank you; Ms. Lockhart (Mrs. King)
Thank you; Mrs. C

You all are the reason I'm still breathing.

Thank you.

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