Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mr. Fuck Up

My respect for you is gone.

I can't remember why I even had any in the first place.

The way you write changed.

Your sense of humor, your wit, you way of thinking, speaking, it all changed.

You're not you. The you I wanted to get to know.

You're now him. Mr. Fuck Up. You're with her. Ms. Whore.

Ms. Heartache didn't change.

Why did you go and throw away everything you worked so hard for? You put years of blood and sweat into it and then threw it all away. I still hadn't lost my respect. Not all of it. But now, your hopelessness, your arrogance, it all pisses me off. Your new peice of shit, are you going to turn that into what you had before? No one gives a shit about you anymore. They care about the drama.

Grow up.

You are no longer my inspiration. I no longer want to write like you.

I want to write like him. I want to write like Mr. Ryan Ross.

Not Mr. Fuck Up.

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