Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ms. Heartache

I know you feel as though the universe has this sort of devine plan for everyone, and that everything happens for a reason, but what if you're wrong? What if nothing happens for a reason, and we were left as microscopic aniba in a filthy cesspool, given the option to sink or swim? Or, maybe the universe does have a plan for everyone, but nothing happens for a reason. Maybe that plan was written, and rewritten so many times because of the decisions we make that only making the decisions the plan already had you making were to fix it.

What if you're not strong enough to make those decisions? You could be brave, competent, and confident, but the truth is; we're only as strong as the shell we put ourselves into, and the mask we make to hide our protective shell. What if you are strong enough, but the opprotunity has already vanished? Your wounds have healed, but scars can be reopened. It's sad to say that you have won most of the battles. This war you have waged against your own heart is coming to an abrupt halt, dwindling down like fire in a fireplace, burning the last piece of ember, and flickering to complete and utter emptiness.

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