Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Got Brains?

I don't know anything anymore. Well sure, I have a wide-ranged vocabulary, and maybe I know a thing or two about psychology or music, but when it comes to this giant mud ball we all like to call a planet; I'm just plain dumb.

That won't stop me from trying to know everything possible there is to know before I start crossing lines and upsetting others. I want to know who, what, when, where, and why. That's pretty simple, right?


Learning this knowledge isn't going to be as easy as taking notes and studying them like you do at school. I may be told this infromation, but understanding it and/or understanding others' is like trying to shove a square box into a rounded hole. Not easy.

So I'll go to school. And I'll stay in school. And I'll graduate. Then I'll go out and travel, to see the world as it is in reality. Harsh, cruel, and coarse. And then I'll come back home to share my knowledge.

I take pride in my intelligence, in my intellectual abilities.

And I will continue to.

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