Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sad but true stories of car accidents

There were three cars involved in a serious crash that happened yesterday off of Spring Boro Pike. One careless driver was talking on his cell phone and fishing around in his wallet. Without looking he ran a red light and slammed into another car that was sent sprawling the other way. That car hit another car stopped in a parking lot and was sent into the wall of a shopping center the parking lot belonged to. There were at least forty different calls regarding the same incident reported that evening to 911.

After the police and ambulance arrived, a little girl who was trapped inside the car was set free. They loaded her dead mother into the ambulance. The little girl walked up to the man who was responsible for this crash and started screaming at him; "Who do you think you are? You murderer! You killed my mother. The only mother I’ll ever have!"

As a result, the man responsible for the crash angrily stormed off to his barely damaged car, and started to drive away. What he hadn't realized was that the little girl was still there, squatting in the middle of the road and crying. As he started to drive off, he hit the little girl in the middle of the road and sent her body onto his windsheild. The two other victims in the car that hit the little girl's car had also died, and the man held responsible was sentenced with ten years in prison for third degree murder.

A pregnant woman and her happily married husband were out one evening to a nice dinner in a decent restaurant. After they had eaten, the two got to talking. Unfortunately talking soon turned into fighting, and the pregant woman stormed off to her car. The man had tried to chase her to tell her that he loved her, but by the time he got the check paid his wife had already sped off. He tried to call her, but she didn't pick up. So he called her again, and called her every five minutes for the next three hours.

As the wife was driving, a couple of intoxicated college students were swerving on the road, and the driver was falling asleep behind the wheel. The car veered to the right where the wife was driving and hit her car, thus sending it pivoting into the freeway, flipping onto the grass next to it and down the sharp incline. After three long hours of trying to reach his wife, someone finally picked up; it was the paramedic, loading his dead wife into the ambulance.

He didn't even get to tell her that he loved her.

**Drive safe folks**

Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm done with you

"You're tearing us apart, don't you get it?" You're tearing me apart. Don't you see me? Well I don't care anymore. If you ever need a friend that will be there for you, like I was, talk to him. If you ever need someone's opinion, like I provided, ask him. If you ever need to get away from your family and spill all of you're secrets, maybe the ones you never told me, go to him. Because if he hurts you, or when he hurts you rather, I'll be somewhere else.

Throwing away a friendship over a guy is just plain ignorant and selfish. True friends don't do that. I knew that you weren't, I just didn't want to believe it. But now I know it. For certain. You don't have to be my friend, I won't force you to if you don't want to. I'd like to be friends. But not best friends. I won't tell you any more secrets, I won't bother you with any more problems. But we can talk. If you don't, however, you can hate me. I don't care anymore.

I cried. Yes. You were the last person to make me cry. I will continue to cry. But our friendship is over.

I'll keep your secrets safe within my skin, and I only hope you'll do the same with mine. We never speak of this again. I'm done. Goodbye.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Sometimes I wish I could dissapear to see the reactions of all the people in my life. So I counted all of the possible candidates I thought would miss me the most, and came up with three people. None of which are related to me. Devin, Sam, and Kristen. That's all I can come up with.

Not Jessica. Not my own mother. Not my own brother. Not even my own father.

Just three really great friends.

Sometimes I feel like I'm invisible, and the only people who notice me are the people who talk to me. Sure my family talks to me, but with no concern, not even empathy, which is all I ask for. I feel like an empty shell that's held together by stiches that curve my lips upward. A smile. Not even a real smile. It's true though. I have to force my lips to curl to make others believe that the invincible girl they think I am is going to be okay.

I don't even believe my own lie.

I was fine at school last year. I was fine this summer. But now, this huge public school I'm going to makes me feel invisible. Too many people and too little attention from the teachers. They don't give a shit about anyone. No one at that God forsaken school does, other than the three people I named above. Not even whom I thought to be my best friend.

I hate feeling betrayed, and backstabbed.

So I swore to myself I would never do that to anyone else.

I'll just be invisible.

I'm content with that....

Kind of.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Remember this

A Privilege

A privilege I had,
Beside me at times.
My word that I kept,
Through laughs and through cries.

At the end of the tunnel,
I found a light.
Blinded by faith,
Let down by sight.

Fooled once again,
To keep this wish,
I keep my word,
But broke a promise.

Theives at my back,
Not warded off,
Stab me and wound me,
With my body gaurd gone.

You're missed so dearly,
Too many secrets to keep.
Too much I can't tell,
For I'm much too weak.

Remember Walmart? Remember Mangoes and Peahces? Remember Ryan Ross and Keltie Colleen? Remember Brendon Urie? Remember Milk Duds? Remember A Fever You Can't Sweat Out? Remeber Cute Is What We Aim For? Remember Pom-Poms? Remember The Slut Dance? Remember Poptarts? Remember Blogging? Remember Ethiopian Kids? Remember Bulgaria? Remember seven years of really great friendship?

I hope you do.

Because I'll never forget.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I'm disowning myself. I'm not me anymore. This is just a body. A worthless empty shell I'll use to store all of my emotions. I'll be looking at myself from beside me, behind me, or above me. I'll be blank. A blank outer shell, and a heart broken soul that watches over it so it isn't damaged.

Yesterday I asked my best friend's boyfriend to teach me guitar. What I didn't know was that my best friend would take that offensively. So now she somehow got the thought in her head that I'm jealous of her. But I could never EVER be jealous of her. She's my bestie for Christ's sake! Just like Keltie said; that all of us are in the center of a web that we weave around all the awesome people in our life. And if the web is vibrating with positive energy, I'll be better also. So I could never be jealous of her or her boyfriend.

This girl means the world to me okay? She's not only my best friend, but my mentor. The one and only person I can go to for anything, and she won't judge me or criticize me. I hope you have a friend like that. If you do, would you ever want to lose them? No. I'm losing her, and it's not fun. It's not fair. So I hope you understand how much she means to me. Because that's being taken from me, and then I'll have nothing.

This isn't fair.

So now I'm blank. I don't care anymore.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Sorry I have been MIA. School started Tuesday, and there's been so much going on around me I almost forgot I had a blog. School is going great. I already have a crush (go figure) and I love most of my teachers. The school may be a bit confusing, but at least it's better then MVA.

So I guess I'll keep you updated (those two people who follow my blog. Whoo -.-) with school and what not.

See ya, piece!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Goodbye is just a word unless there's meaning that lies behind it.

To The Stone

I've been walking on thin ice.
Trying to forget my dreams.
Sang to me in whispers,
Played away by the symphony.

I caught up to the wind.
Passing by with leafs in her hair.
She walks with the flowers on a sunday morning.
I was the only one there.

To the stone.
To the grave.
To the candle flickering.
To the fire dwindling down.
To the dirt.
To the mud.
To the absence of your heart.
To the silence that speaks so loud.

I've been walking on eggshells.
Pleasing the kings and queens.
My memories sing to me.
In the prettiest melodies.

I told the emptyness to go away.
Because I didn't want to be full out.
He said, "I'm sorry darling.
What goes around comes around."

To the stone.
To the grave.
To the candle flickering.
To the fire dwindling down.
To the dirt.
To the mud.
To the absence of your heart.
To the silence that speaks so loud.

The light inside,
Dies while I,
Life isn't fair.
The tunnel ends.
Where it began.
But no one seems to care.

I said to the misery,
"If you want a companion.
Look to others.
Don't look at me.
I would never give in."

To the sun.
To the stars.
To the love inside our hearts.
To the clouds.
To the rain.
This isn't pleasant pain.

To the stone.
To the grave.
To the candle flickering.
To the fire dwindling down.
To the dirt.
To the mud.
To the absence of your heart.
To the silence that speaks so loud.

To the sky.
Hear my cries.
Forever is a lie.
Where to begin?
Yes I've sinned.
And oh what chaos this has been.

But I won't give in.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ms. Heartache

I know you feel as though the universe has this sort of devine plan for everyone, and that everything happens for a reason, but what if you're wrong? What if nothing happens for a reason, and we were left as microscopic aniba in a filthy cesspool, given the option to sink or swim? Or, maybe the universe does have a plan for everyone, but nothing happens for a reason. Maybe that plan was written, and rewritten so many times because of the decisions we make that only making the decisions the plan already had you making were to fix it.

What if you're not strong enough to make those decisions? You could be brave, competent, and confident, but the truth is; we're only as strong as the shell we put ourselves into, and the mask we make to hide our protective shell. What if you are strong enough, but the opprotunity has already vanished? Your wounds have healed, but scars can be reopened. It's sad to say that you have won most of the battles. This war you have waged against your own heart is coming to an abrupt halt, dwindling down like fire in a fireplace, burning the last piece of ember, and flickering to complete and utter emptiness.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Raining from the clouds,
Rimmed in silver linnings.
Fell from above.
Grey skies are crying.
Around in a circle.
Metal skeletons.
He tightened his grip,
On the souls who have sinned.
They chanted in numbers.
What a rancorous being.
Looked to the angles,
And fled from the scene.
Born in the heavens,
He fell from the sky.
They took his soul,
And he took his own life.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thank You Again

I never did thank any of you for saving my life. Whenever I worked up the nerve to swallow the pills, you're always there to reinforce the scarce good that this world has left. At least that's something to live for. There are no beautiful suicides. Just heartbroken bastards with cold souls and shit in their minds. So I wanted to take the time to thank those of you who helped me put the bottle of pills down.

Thank you; Jessica.
Thank you; Mommy
Thank you; Daddy
Thank you; Aunt Angie
Thank you; Grandma
Thank you; Grandpa
Thank you; Autumn B.
Thank you; Hayley
Thank you; Bobert
Thank you; Keltie
Thank you; Mary
Thank you; Ms. Lockhart (Mrs. King)
Thank you; Mrs. C

You all are the reason I'm still breathing.

Thank you.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Colorful Poem?

She fell to the ground,
And was set in motion.
She was so determined,
With great devotion.
I’ve never seen,
Such beautiful emotion,
Fill blue eyes.
She danced with the wind,
And swayed like the flowers.
Spent most of her heart,
Breaking by the hour.
But she smiled at the people,
And stood like a tower,
No one could define.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Got Brains?

I don't know anything anymore. Well sure, I have a wide-ranged vocabulary, and maybe I know a thing or two about psychology or music, but when it comes to this giant mud ball we all like to call a planet; I'm just plain dumb.

That won't stop me from trying to know everything possible there is to know before I start crossing lines and upsetting others. I want to know who, what, when, where, and why. That's pretty simple, right?


Learning this knowledge isn't going to be as easy as taking notes and studying them like you do at school. I may be told this infromation, but understanding it and/or understanding others' is like trying to shove a square box into a rounded hole. Not easy.

So I'll go to school. And I'll stay in school. And I'll graduate. Then I'll go out and travel, to see the world as it is in reality. Harsh, cruel, and coarse. And then I'll come back home to share my knowledge.

I take pride in my intelligence, in my intellectual abilities.

And I will continue to.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A single Rose

A single rose is still.
Fallen to its will.
Floating to a sleep.
A single rose will dream.

Raindrops tell tall tales.
This path leaves no trail.
At the forest brink.
Raindrops fall in sync.

No man hears the cries.
Beneathe the silver skies.
Above this waterfall.
No man owns it all.

Desolated grounds.
Memories safe and sound.
Color drained complexions.
Desolated sections.

These veins seep scarlet lies.
Betrayal fills blue eyes.
Where lies dormant tears?
These veins rid me of fears.

Oh sweet sadness.
Oh glorious madness.
Oh sacred scars.
Oh wounded hearts.

How do thy surrender?
Succumb to thee forever.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The only difference between me and you is everything.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010


Maybe the answer lies within friendship.

It's the only way she'll remain in your life.

It's selfish.

But asking for forgiveness isn't a sign of weakness, or vulnerability, or insecurities.

Asking for forgiveness is a sign of maturity.

Guilt is a sign of humanity.

Forgiveness won't bring sympathy, or pity.

Forgiveness brings empathy.

All steady relationships are built on trust.

The only way to regain her trust is to prove yourself truthworthy.



Listen carefully.

Build friendship.

Most of the time steady relationships consist of friends who have each other's backs.

But love each other all the same.

Seldom do relationships that were rushed work out.

Rarely are relationships fixed completely.

But friendships are somewhat easier to mend.

Friendships are somewhat easier to build.

Listen to me.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mr. Fuck Up

My respect for you is gone.

I can't remember why I even had any in the first place.

The way you write changed.

Your sense of humor, your wit, you way of thinking, speaking, it all changed.

You're not you. The you I wanted to get to know.

You're now him. Mr. Fuck Up. You're with her. Ms. Whore.

Ms. Heartache didn't change.

Why did you go and throw away everything you worked so hard for? You put years of blood and sweat into it and then threw it all away. I still hadn't lost my respect. Not all of it. But now, your hopelessness, your arrogance, it all pisses me off. Your new peice of shit, are you going to turn that into what you had before? No one gives a shit about you anymore. They care about the drama.

Grow up.

You are no longer my inspiration. I no longer want to write like you.

I want to write like him. I want to write like Mr. Ryan Ross.

Not Mr. Fuck Up.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fuck change

Why do we have to care about things? Can't we just be emotionless? Bastard coated bastards with bastard fillings. I wish we weren't so attatched to everything we know, everything we see. I wish we didn't have to care about anything. So when something goes wrong, when someone leaves your life for good, we aren't hurt. I wish tears never existed.

I hate how people change. I wish everyone would just stay the same. Or if they change, I wish they would change for the better, not the worse. If you had to, then couldn't you have become better? Fuck you, Mr. Fuck Up. Fuck you, Ms. Heartache. I'm sitting here bawling my eyes out for something that doesn't even concern me. It's none of my business. So why do I care?

Fuck change. Fuck caring. Fuck pain. Fuck tears. Fuck heartache. Fuck life.

Why the hell do I care?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Odd Poem

Fire of one thousand words.
Burning bridges,
Shutting doors.
Once in a life time.
Make a wish.
Sixteen candles can't commit.
Crossing fingers.
No more time.
Out of sight,
Out of mind.
Glossy eyes,
Choke back tears.
Bite your tongue and dissapear.
Check for rain.
Dance in streets.
Love the music,
Love the beat.
See a cat,
Cross it's path.
Fear it's power,
Fear it's wrath.
In the court,
Call him out.
All in favor,
All in doubt?
Who remains,
Keep your head.
Not delighted.
Spill the beans.
Clean 'em up.
Tell the truth.
You'll get good luck.
Karma comes.
Karma goes.
Karma thinks.
Karma knows.