Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What If...

"Once a cheater, always a cheater. In a womans' eyes, a cheater is a weak man, and to take back someone who has done something unspeakable, then that would just be repeating the cycle. Your goal in life is to make mistakes and learn from them, not repeat the same mistakes over and over again." - My very own mother.

I almost comprehend. Weakness is a good reason to not take back a cheater, but what if that cheater can change? Well now I'm just bullshitting you. My mom is correct, once a cheater, always a cheater. No changes can be made.

But what if you do take him back and he doesn't cheat on you again? You may be taking back a man who wobbles at the knees whenever a girl walks in, but hey, maybe you can pick their jaw up off the floor for them.

Keltie, do you remember your post, "What If..."? That one about what if this time you were right. What if this time I'm right? What if you give Ryan another chance, to at least be your friend. You don't have to take it further then that. What if he didn't do the same thing to you? What if the cycle doesn't repeat? What if he actually (this will never happen) did change? Would you give him another chance then?

What if it does repeat? Big scenario, simple answer. Walk away and never look back.

But that's only what if.

What if this time, I'm right?

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