Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Leave Me Alone

What did I expect to see when I got on the internet? That something had changed? That you changed your mind? You didn't. Everything is still the same. I feel so dreadfully lost I can hardly breathe. Why the fuck do I care so much about this? It doesn't involve me, nor will it ever involve me. Why the fuck am I stuck with this? I hate this feeling.

So you found another, then there were three.
And she found another, then there were four.

And I've yet to find someone, so there remains one.

This isn't a love triangle, this is a love square. And a fucked up square to say the least.

"You crawl into my brain like a bug, and you burrow so deep into my mind, I have to wage a war to get you out. And oh this is not a win-lose situation. It's a lose-lose situation. I lose either way. I may have won this battle, but the war is still occurring. And you're putting up one hell of a fight my friend. I want you to stay, but I don't. Get out of my skin."

Am I that lonely?

Everything I see. Everything I hear. Everywhere I go. Everyone I know. Everyone I don't. There's you. And you just won't leave me alone. You just won't get out of my skin. And I don't even know you. Which makes it harder.

Then there were four.

But there remains one.

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