Wednesday, July 21, 2010

No more fighting

So what; is giving up the only answer you could possibly come up with now? Is that it? You just gave up? I looked up to you. To find yourself and to find your place. You did. I don't like it. I guess we can't all love everyone we lay our eyes on. But I liked you. And I know it's sort of selfish to wish maybe finding your place in this god forsaken hell hole could've helped me find my place.

I was wrong.

You just gave up on former love because you didn't want to feel the pain that rides alongside the pleasure? EVERYONE feels it. Not just you. Not just me. Everyone. And you know what, I'm not giving up on my former love. I'm not selfish. And you were alomost right, but you'll never know until you find out.

But one of my former loves proves a good point. Maybe you feel the same way about him that I feel about B. I may like him as a friend, but whenever I'm around him there are no romantic feelings I have that are aimed towards him anymore. He cheated on me with my best friend, but even when I found out I didn't care. He broke my heart before that, and I lost every feeling of love (or what I thought was love) I had for him.

Maybe B and I are you and him.

I hope not. I hope you still love him. I hope that low class, wanna-be retro, narcisisstic whore gets what's coming to her. I hope he still loves you. But no. You gave up. He gave up. He gave up first.

You just.... Gave up.

No more waging wars against your own heart. No more silently whispering, "I wish things were different." No more crying at night because you have no one beside you in your bed. Nothing.

You could have won the war. You could have screamed the whisper. You could have called. He should've called. But he gave up.

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