Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Boy Who Meant "Sorry!"

No relationships are perfect. But what makes them beautiful is the fact you're willing to stick with your relationship through the ups and the downs without ever taking your hand out of theirs. Relationships and love are beautiful, wonderful things. So why would you give up on something that extraordinary? How could you call something that great a shamble? There is no such thing as a shamble of a real relationship. Every relationship is real. And if you think that relationship was a shamble, then the relationship you're in now is also a shamble.

It pisses me off that you're willing to give up on something so beautiful by the drop of a hat. So he fucked up. Every relationship is fucked up. Everyone in a relationship has their own faults and flaws. But love is accepting those faults and flaws and moving on.

And oh my god how could you think he doesn't mean it when he says he's sorry? HE'S SORRY! He loves you. I'm pretty sure he does. And how could you believe something so ridiculous as the fact he's only sorry he got caught. He feels guilty for hurting you! Not for getting caught.

You say he has so many versions of the truth that you just stopped believing him a while ago. Well think of it this way; if "I love you," and "I'm sorry," are in every version of the truth, chances are; it's the truth. He misses you. He loves you. He's sorry.

You're the selfish one! You're intentions are selfish! He's begging for your forgiveness and you say he doesn't mean it because you don't want to be hurt again! You're hurting him! Can you not see that? Learn to forgive and forget.

And you, Mr. Fuck Up, if she's worth it, pick up that battle axe.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Stop it.

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