Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm Done

I'm done fighting for something I don't believe I can save. This war you waged to stay embedded in my thoughts and dreams is over. I will not take you back. Because cheating isn't a matter of lust, nor is it a matter of anger. Cheating is weakness. It's the rush of drama you get from the initicial exciment. It doesn't matter who you are, who you know, what you know, where you work, how big your mucles are, it just doesn't matter. You can be the buffest man in the entire world, but if you cheat, you're weak. It's like saying you can't refuse a naked woman, even though the one you love, and hold dearest, is sitting at home, waiting for your return.

You can't change that. No matter how hard you try, once a cheater, always a cheater. And to come to me and say that I need you, is uspeakable, and frankly, arrogant. You are a weak man trapped inside a strong man's shell, hidden in the shadows of your ego. And you're a selfish, downright rude narcissistic bastard. I do not like cheaters. I do not like liers. And for god fucking sake, drop the condescending attitude Mr. Perfect. No one likes a cocky asshole. And you can say whatever the fuck you want, I don't give a damn. Do you know what I feel when I look at you? Nothing. I feel no romantic emotions towards you whatsoever.

If I get my heart broken once, it's your fault.

If I get my heart broken twice, It's my fault.

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