Sunday, July 18, 2010

Life Wins

Life Wins

Play your cards, life.
You always win.
I'll just take my best guesses.
I take risks while gamblin'.
I still don't know where it will end.
Play with my heart, life.
Make me fall,
Head over the heels you gave me.
I'll loose it all,
And gain it all back.
Slow down time please,
Give me some slack.
Play with my mind, life.
It's not all fairytail princess.
Butterflies and kisses.
Unicorns and rainbows,
Flying over chimney smoke.
It's all of that reversed and,
We just make life worse I,
Can't seem to understand.
I just lost the bet.
I guess I'll just fold,
The dice has been rolled.
We already know who wins.

One second in,
All our life we're diggin'.
Graves for us all,
To the world we're so small.
Making mountains out of mole hills.
Waging wars we have to lose.
Life is a bag,
We're all mixed together.
You have to comprehend,
We just can't live forever.
And we already know,
Who wins.

Play a little game, life.
Put together a puzzle.
We're all pieces of a whole.
And most of us fit,
But some of us don't.
Cast them off,
Out on their own.
They'll end up,
Where all of us won't.
Take a deep breath, life.
Inhale the lie,
That is our power.
But we're losing our life,
By the hour.
The face of the clock,
Seems so sincere.
But the hands of time,
Cause poise and tears.
Play with our lives, life.
Time is an illusion.
Change is a repeat.
No need to be redundant.
It's life we cannot beat.
We already know who wins.

One second in,
All our life we're diggin'.
Graves for us all,
To the world we're so small.
Making mountains out of mole hills.
Waging wars we have to lose.
Life is a bag,
We're all mixed together.
You have to comprehend,
We just can't live forever.
And we already know,
Who wins.

I've tried so hard.
I'll place my last bet.
I place two more years,
And you place death.
Well it's too late.
I'll lose this hand.
We already know,
Oh, we already know,
Who wins.

One second in,
All our life we're diggin'.
Graves for us all,
To the world we're so small.
Making mountains out of mole hills.
Waging wars we have to lose.
Life is a bag,
We're all mixed together.
You have to comprehend,
We just can't live forever.
And we already know,
Oh, we already know.
Yeah, we already know;
Life wins.

This song is very true; we can win wars against other countries, and we can win fights with our best friends, but Life is the one thing we cannot beat. We all have to die someday, So I say stop battling death and let what will come to you come to you and let that be the end of it. Can't we just forget about waging wars on others and ourselves just for one second to realize here who the real enemy/alli is? Life. Hey. Life Wins.

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