Sunday, March 6, 2011

Winter's Meldoy (The Golden Of The Dawn)

The evening has swallowed,
The yellow of the sun,
Touching the grass,
With a gentle kiss.
Around the corner,
Winter has begun.
But for now,
We'll lie in silent bliss.
As the moon scatters all the creatures,
Casting shadows on Earth's features.
Singing softly,
In the midst of the night.
While we sit around the blazing fire,
Drained of all our cold desires.
Turns to ash,
As we hope for daytime skies.

When our trees are bare,
There in chilly air,
Gazing past the galaxies to come.
A melancholy thought,
To the witness of the dark.
And we sleep,
While we wait for rising dawn,
And we dream of the fallen winter sun.

Our prayers will wait,
As we try to figure out,
How to get home,
In such frigid air.
Watching closely as,
Pretty snow falls down,
From the clouds above,
Save me from it's care.
As the minutes,
Become the hours,
Trees bud leaves,
While blooming flowers.
Heard from shore to shore.
And the skies spoke,
In foreign language.
Don't dare show,
Your dormant hatred.
Hiding from me,
But wanting something more.

When our trees are bare,
There in chilly air,
Gazing past the galaxies to come.
A melancholy thought,
To the witness of the dark.
And we sleep,
While we wait for rising dawn.
And we dream,
Of the fallen winter sun.
But the winter,
Has only just begun.

Winds so invisible,
Whispers at your window.
Calling your name,
When you know you are alone.
Shining past the singing birds,
Now dawn has come.
No other words,
You choose,
Can explain what's going on.
Such a pretty sight,
Leaving speechless, mesmerized.
In awe of the rising winter sun.
And the backdrop is the golden of the dawn.

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