Sunday, March 6, 2011

We Are Human

We are human. We are liars, we are ignorant, we are selfish and narcissistic and quite frankly very oblivious to anybody but ourselves. We are a giant ball of built of anxiety and stored rage, with patches of arrogance, confusion, and naivety all sewed together with good intentions. Don’t kid yourselves, no one knows what they want. No one knows what to go for in life because we, us humans, are too afraid of the unknown, of things that are unusual or not cliche. We don’t listen to one another too carefully, we like to hear our own voices. We like to hear the only things we want to hear. I call this selective hearing.

We are cheaters, we are fake, we are “two-faced”, and we are afraid. We are so afraid. These are flaws. Us humans are made up entirely of flaws. Flaws, blunders, infinite demerits that surface themselves at exactly the wrong times. You count them all, point them out with a petty jab, you judge and criticize and patronize and knock people on their asses because of their flaws. I could sit here and name them all right now, but unfortunately I only have so much room in this blog post.

We are hypocrites, we are weak, we are conceited, we are vain. We walk around with our pride in our pockets and our hearts on our sleeves, hoping somebody will venture into our own little worlds and learn to love us for “who we really are”. Oh, but nobody knows who they really are. You know your name, where you grew up, when your birthday is. But you don’t know who you are. So how do you expect someone to give all of themselves to you when you don’t even know who ‘you’ is.

We are immature. We are careless We are indifferent. We are...we are....we are...oh the list goes on and on and on and on. You have to learn to give compassion to our flaws, to fully except them. You can’t only know how to spell compassion. You have to show it. Show love. Show sympathy. Show boldness and bravery.

We are humans. We are brave. We are bold. We are strong. We are compassionate. We are sympathetic. We are completely unique. We are empathetic. We are cautious. We are diverse. We are humorous. We are inappropriate at appropriate times. We are most definitely frivolous. We are selfish. We are one.

WE, US humans. WE are one, in a completely distinct pattern of diversity. Have you ever looked outside your window when you’re driving, and see so many cars, moving with each other? It is amazing to see a bunch of people, whom don’t know anything about anybodies lives, moving in sync. They all branch off into their everyday lives, but share a moment in which they simultaneously travel, completely oblivious to anyone’s mood around them.

Yes, we are flawed. But we are humans. We are most certainly a unique species of idiotic, oblivious, selfish, and socially awkward humans. Yes, we might still litter even though we know this planet is dying, day by day. We might not listen to a wise word of caution someone might have to say. But we are humans. We cannot be perfect.

But everybody today is asking these flawed humans to be perfect. We have medicine to fix our problems now. We have Ambien for sleeping issues, Abilify for depression. We have these photos that make ordinary people feel like shit. We have magazines telling us what we should do. How we should look. How we should act. Telling us to be perfect.

It is impossible. So we learn from our mistakes, and from others’ mistakes, because we can’t live long enough to make them all ourselves, we move on, and hopefully we grow. As a species. As a population. As dirty, careless, selfish, rude humans.

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