Sunday, March 20, 2011

This Dream of Mine

Dream of mine:

I'm walking through this REALLY narrow hallway (like literately, I can barely squeeze through) and I see everyone that's walking the same way as me is wearing a mask. Then this guy in a Chuckie mask yells "Here, piggy, piggy!" right at me. That's when I realize I'm wearing a pig mask. So I take it off, and all of the sudden some sirens go off, and the voice says "Warning, person without mask, person without mask!" So I try to put my mask back on to shut it up, but by now I dropped the pig mask and it turns to dust on the floor.

So now everybody is looking at me, and they circle around me, and I can't breathe. There's like no way out except for a gap in people. I run through that and into a hotel lobby, where there's a party, and everyone is still wearing masks. But people are also dressed up in white tie or whatever. And the guy who called piggy comes up to me and picks me up, and I'm like WAY over his head (like go-go gadget super-arm!) and when he starts walking I see everybody who doesn't have a mask on is hanging my ropes on the ceiling. Suddenly some ropes come down and grip around my wrists and ankles then pull me back up to the ceiling.

Now it's me and a few other's (that include: Dorian, Lexi, Adam, Caleb, Lacy, Devin, and for some reason, Jon Walker) and we're like, trapped to a ceiling. It's so bizarre. So then I like tug at the ropes, and they let go of me, and then everybody starts falling, except we don't hit the ground, we just keep going! Then we land in a pile of masks, and every body's like "Get one on!" So I try to pick up a mask to put on my face, but whichever mask I try to put on my face turns to dust when I touch it. So Lacy comes over and starts digging, and all of the sudden we see there are bones under the masks. Like, skeletons!

So they come to life, and one grabs Lacy and I and pulls us under, until we're amongst all the skeletons, and we're floating. We're floating about the hotel lobby, watching everyone in their masks. And then a voice says, "It's time," and everybody takes off their mask. And they're all REALLY ugly! And then they drop dead, and the rest of us drop to the floor, and look at each other like "What the heck?"

Then I wake up.

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