Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Walking on air

Why is it that whenever something goes seriously wrong in my life, the next day if feels like I'm walking on air? I mean, gosh, even the situation with me and Adam is on the fast-track to Fix-It-Ville. I feel like I post my emotions too soon. I seem down before everything lifts up.
But, isn't it always that way? You have to drop before you can fly. Well I'm tired of posting downers on my blog while I'm in the free-fall. But whenever I'm flying something is always nagging at me. Like, say, my common sense, for instance? Or, my sense of reality, which I've acquired from my father. But, I don't know, I always have this shadow, that glows in the most conspicuous places.
And here, I feel like I'm posting a downer. But, really, it's just me being me. I'm a pessimist. You can bite me, I don't care what you think. I'm only saying that whenever I'm walking on air, I always know in the back of my mind, that sooner or later one of these clouds is gonna give way.

And I'm back to falling.

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