Thursday, June 2, 2011


1:01. 1:02. 1:03. 1:04.

Sleep is most definitely out of the question. Exams? Yes. The last week of school. Of course, final exams would be the last week of school. That's how my school is: torturous. Lately, the mental strain on my brain from trying to recall what we learned five weeks ago has put me in sleep deprivation mode. Vampire mode. Welcome back.
I usually fall asleep around 4:30 or 5, wake up in an hour or so, and drag my sorry butt to school. 'Course, we only have half days. 'Course, I usually stay after to make up those six assignments I missed since I was absent. Six assignments that accounts for somewhere around 0.5% of my grade. Yet, I still have an Office and Desktop. Computers? Computers are my thing for cryin' out loud!
Then, after I've stayed for a few hours in treacherous heat, with some oddly closer acquaintances, I walk home in more treacherous heat around 1-2 and fall asleep. I then stay asleep, occasionally getting up to either eat a handful of pretzels, dinner, or help my mom out, until around 5:30.
This is when I log on to my annoyingly slow computer and write whatever half-thought had started to form in my head before completion. Then I erase it, look at funny pictures, update my Facebook status to somewhere along the lines of: "Roses don't have thorns, thorns have roses," check Twitter for some update from Top Hat, Blue, or Hermit (whom has recently started 'tweeting' again) log off, take a shower, and read.
By the time that's over, wha-lah. It's 10:00. Might as well go to bed early, I need my rest for exams.

1:05. 1:06. 1:07. 1:08. 1:09. 1:10.

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