Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Jobs and Cali?

My brother, whom I've mentioned quite a few times on my blog, Jon, could be (I stress the word could) getting a job in a gaming company that's based in California. I know, I know, I've been extremely selfish when, if I had ever mentioned my brother, I've always made him sound like a dead-beat. Well, he doesn't exactly have such a stellar life, but he's definitely not what I made him out to be.
He's already graduated, so get the word 'drop-out' out of your mind. He can game. He does that a lot, sit around and play video games all day. That comes to an advantage for him. See, with him spending all day on the computer tapping along to crap-based music and screaming "Oh no, he just flashed at me!", he's become somewhat of a computer expert. (I'm not saying that was just the games, but a combination of my three male cousins and his own experiences.)
So, my point is, he could very well end up with a job in his hands, being that he's almost 18. He also might need college experience, which could quite possibly end that career option right there (I'm not saying he's not smart enough to get into college, he's very intelligent, just that he probably won't try due to his complete lack of desire to go.)
Where this comes in for me (told you I was selfish) is that we're most likely moving to Georgia in two to three years (lucky me, I get to move). So, between that time and now, I'm going to look into colleges there and here, just in case we stay. I might just end up with a scholarship if I transfer to a school in Georgia (fingers crossed).
We discussed in the car after my brother's graduation that possibly after I get out of college, I could join my brother in California until I can find a place of my own (slim chance I'll even be moving out there). I'm not saying this is all etched in stone, just that it's a very small possibility. I flipped a coin a million times, asking if that reality would become actuality. It came up tails more than heads, but I still have some hope that it will.

Alright, enough with the long and explained, back to the short-sweet-and-confusing.

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