Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Caught Up

While I was caught up in being angry at myself for not feeling anything because of the Dorian-jerkface and I break-up, I realized I had forgotten to look at the beautiful things.
Today, I left my house because of troubles, and my cousin and I walked my dog to five different places, one of those being Wendy's. We sat outside for a good hour or so, and a nice employee gave us free coke and water. Then we walked around my town, just talking. I miss just talking.
We talked about a lot of things; how beautiful some structure's architecture is, how simple a dog's life would be, how I never really loved Dorian, how innocent children are...ect.
I love how in life, when things start to go wrong, just a little bit of hope can go a long way. I'm not happy, but I'm content with my life, for once. I don't know what my future is going to be like, but that's the excitement of life: the unknown. I'm just gonna let destiny take it's course and try to shine brighter when I'm dragged through the dirt.

"I dare you to move.
I dare you to move.
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor."

Everything's gonna be okay.

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