Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The person - (How I know them as) - The nickname - [How/why they got the nickname]

Me (Myself and I) - Biscuit / Peaches [Biscuit - Adam called me that all the time/Peaches - Mangoes and Peaches with Jessica]

Emmie (Cousin) - Omelette [We gave her it]

Adam (Best Guyfriend) - Gravy [I call him that all the time]

Jessica (Old friend / Acquaintance) - Mango [Mangoes and Peaches]

Vincent (I honestly don't know) - Jesus [Rainbow suspenders]

Dave (Youth Leader) - Blondie [His hair]

Andrew (Stranger) - That Guy! [Long story -- he looks like Hermit]

Brendon Urie (Famous dude) - T. ((Short for Top Hat)) [I Write Sins Not Tragedies video]

Spencer Smith (Funny famous dude) - Blue [His eyes]

Ryan Ross (George) - Hermit [He's shy and hides in his shell when things go wrong]

Jon Walker (Uhmmm) - Beard Face / Beardy [The name explains itself]

Pete Wentz (See "Brendon Urie") - Snickers [I Googled Pete Wentz and got a picture of him eating a Snickers. It looked like he was shoving it up his nose]

Zack Hall (Body Guard) - A. ((Short for Anti-Hug)) [He's infamous for not giving hugs]

Keltie Colleen (Hi!) - Mrs. Swoon [She is dating a guy she dubbed "Swoon"]

Chris _____ (Keltie's boyfriend) - Swoon [See above]

Dallon Weekes (See "Spencer Smith") - Mr. Breezy [His Wife]

Ian Crawford (See "Dallon Weekes") - Mario [He played The Super Mario Theme at a concert I went to]

Butch Walker (Stranger) - Wally [Last Name]

...And more to come...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Jobs and Cali?

My brother, whom I've mentioned quite a few times on my blog, Jon, could be (I stress the word could) getting a job in a gaming company that's based in California. I know, I know, I've been extremely selfish when, if I had ever mentioned my brother, I've always made him sound like a dead-beat. Well, he doesn't exactly have such a stellar life, but he's definitely not what I made him out to be.
He's already graduated, so get the word 'drop-out' out of your mind. He can game. He does that a lot, sit around and play video games all day. That comes to an advantage for him. See, with him spending all day on the computer tapping along to crap-based music and screaming "Oh no, he just flashed at me!", he's become somewhat of a computer expert. (I'm not saying that was just the games, but a combination of my three male cousins and his own experiences.)
So, my point is, he could very well end up with a job in his hands, being that he's almost 18. He also might need college experience, which could quite possibly end that career option right there (I'm not saying he's not smart enough to get into college, he's very intelligent, just that he probably won't try due to his complete lack of desire to go.)
Where this comes in for me (told you I was selfish) is that we're most likely moving to Georgia in two to three years (lucky me, I get to move). So, between that time and now, I'm going to look into colleges there and here, just in case we stay. I might just end up with a scholarship if I transfer to a school in Georgia (fingers crossed).
We discussed in the car after my brother's graduation that possibly after I get out of college, I could join my brother in California until I can find a place of my own (slim chance I'll even be moving out there). I'm not saying this is all etched in stone, just that it's a very small possibility. I flipped a coin a million times, asking if that reality would become actuality. It came up tails more than heads, but I still have some hope that it will.

Alright, enough with the long and explained, back to the short-sweet-and-confusing.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


"Mayhem is better in pairs of two."

"Justice is just another word for revenge."

"Everybody dies, it just depends on what you do with your life that decides what remains after and what dies with you."

"Fame has a funny way of eating it's host alive, then surpassing it's host's life. And now their fame takes the form of a picture on a wall, living immortally just to collect the dust that falls."

Sunday, June 12, 2011

(Part 2)

For some reason I don't really wanna follow up on this, but I promised I would.

We got there, stood in line for like, a long time...I guess. Saw Spencer and Ian or Dallon (I need to give them nicknames now) playing basketball. Zack came out. I asked Spencer how he could be wearing all black in like, 90 degree weather. He replied (or Zack did) "Huh?"
We got inside. First band started playing, I was surrounded my people that just would not stop pushing. I couldn't breathe. I got out of there, went to the back. Sat down. Fun started playing. They were good. Then it was Panic's time to come out.
People were chanting their name, then they came out. Everyone screamed and pushed forward. I stood right where I was. I stood on water bottles 'cause I was short and in the back. I couldn't really see all that well. But it was worth it. I met two guys that let me get on their backs, Ian looked at me like he was tired. I gave him the same exact look back. He laughed. Brendon told some random 19 year old that we met before the bands started playing that he loved him. I laughed.
Panic! played. They were good...setlist was somewhat like this: Ready To Go, I forget, I forget, Lying is the Most Fun, I forget, Hurricane, I forget, I forget, The Only Difference, Camisado, C'mon (With the guy from Fun), That Green Gentleman, I forget, I Write Sins Not Tragedies, Trade Mistakes, Always. Then they went back and everybody chanted "One more time," including me.
They came back out, they were planning to. They played Carry On My Wayward Son (my favorite song ever) and dedicated it to the parents, then they played Nearly Witches. Brendon was funny, and kept thanking us for coming out. I suppose it meant a lot to them.

So yeah, then we left and went home. It was fun.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Panic! At The Disco LIVE (Part 1)


It was so surreal, like I do it everyday. It didn't feel new and I wasn't nervous. But Panic! rocked it, and let me tell you, stage presence is everything. Brendon certainly had just that. I met a couple of guys that saw The Young Veins and met Hermit. I jumped around like a whiny baby 'cause ma didn't take me. I'll never meet Hermit. Maybe that's for the better?
Sigh, oh well. More details later? Tired.

"Hey, hey, we are a hurricane.
Drop our anchors in the storm."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Caught Up

While I was caught up in being angry at myself for not feeling anything because of the Dorian-jerkface and I break-up, I realized I had forgotten to look at the beautiful things.
Today, I left my house because of troubles, and my cousin and I walked my dog to five different places, one of those being Wendy's. We sat outside for a good hour or so, and a nice employee gave us free coke and water. Then we walked around my town, just talking. I miss just talking.
We talked about a lot of things; how beautiful some structure's architecture is, how simple a dog's life would be, how I never really loved Dorian, how innocent children are...ect.
I love how in life, when things start to go wrong, just a little bit of hope can go a long way. I'm not happy, but I'm content with my life, for once. I don't know what my future is going to be like, but that's the excitement of life: the unknown. I'm just gonna let destiny take it's course and try to shine brighter when I'm dragged through the dirt.

"I dare you to move.
I dare you to move.
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor."

Everything's gonna be okay.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I welcome you greatly.
Not your heat or humidity
Nor your absence of idiotic students and impatient teachers.
Not your lukewarm waters
Or your air that carries the aroma of burnt skin
And late-night bonfires.

I welcome downtime.

My thinking space has doubled since my last bitter-sweet day of school.

Where I just simply waved goodbye
And said my superficial farewell.

As if we knew, somehow
There's always next year.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


1:01. 1:02. 1:03. 1:04.

Sleep is most definitely out of the question. Exams? Yes. The last week of school. Of course, final exams would be the last week of school. That's how my school is: torturous. Lately, the mental strain on my brain from trying to recall what we learned five weeks ago has put me in sleep deprivation mode. Vampire mode. Welcome back.
I usually fall asleep around 4:30 or 5, wake up in an hour or so, and drag my sorry butt to school. 'Course, we only have half days. 'Course, I usually stay after to make up those six assignments I missed since I was absent. Six assignments that accounts for somewhere around 0.5% of my grade. Yet, I still have an Office and Desktop. Computers? Computers are my thing for cryin' out loud!
Then, after I've stayed for a few hours in treacherous heat, with some oddly closer acquaintances, I walk home in more treacherous heat around 1-2 and fall asleep. I then stay asleep, occasionally getting up to either eat a handful of pretzels, dinner, or help my mom out, until around 5:30.
This is when I log on to my annoyingly slow computer and write whatever half-thought had started to form in my head before completion. Then I erase it, look at funny pictures, update my Facebook status to somewhere along the lines of: "Roses don't have thorns, thorns have roses," check Twitter for some update from Top Hat, Blue, or Hermit (whom has recently started 'tweeting' again) log off, take a shower, and read.
By the time that's over, wha-lah. It's 10:00. Might as well go to bed early, I need my rest for exams.

1:05. 1:06. 1:07. 1:08. 1:09. 1:10.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yet to Bloom

Why so lonely,
Little flower?
You sit alone while others glow.
They dance and shine
Their newfound beauty.
White as freshly fallen snow.

Why so lonely,
Little flower?
You show no sign,
No life at all.
While we pick and frolic
You're trapped inside your pedalled wall.
Yet to bloom