Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Striking A Chord

What I love most in this world would probably have to be writing, which I've started doing again lately (Yes, silly little me took up writing again). But that has nothing to do with this. The second thing I love most in this world would have to be music. I'm going to be learning guitar next year, my close friend Allie is going to be teaching me piano, and another friend of mine is going to be teaching me both Ukulele and Banjo. I want to start a revolution in the music industry. It eats people alive, fades those shinning stars. I can't stand it.*

So yes, I love striking a chord. Whether it be F or E Minor, I just love doing it. So I use that everday. People may be selfish or corrupt, but that does not change the fact that they are actually human. They have feelings, just as well as those whom are teased and bullied do. So, whenever I see someone who looks as if they are in need of a smile, or a warm compliment, I give them just that. I strike up a chord, and talk to them.

Maybe if we all notice the feelings of those surrounding us, we can all strike up a chord. We can all smile at one another, and we can all give others the joy of that simple little compliment. Maybe if we opened our eyes, and REALLY look at each other, our worst enemies could become our best friends. Everybody needs a confidence boost every once in a while.

A subtle difference can change a lot.

*((Their music is just another testimate to the fact that anybody can make it in today's music scene. You don't need any talent either - they can just write you a song, auto-tune the heck outta your voice, and stick you in a music video that veils the fact that you can't dance or perform at a level concordant with the amount of attention and money you'll be recieving. In my opinion, those are not real artists. How dare they call that machine-made techno-beat ART? If you do not play your own instruments, or even sing your own songs, I do not believe you are an artist.))

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