Thursday, February 10, 2011


Bending The Light

When I'm on the bus, and bored half to death with all of the chit chat of drama and whatnot, I like to look out the window. Unfortunately, the bus does not have a defroster for the other windows, so mine is usually foggy. Fine for me, because when my window is foggy, I look outside, hitting right where the fog and the clear part of the window collide, it bends the light to make rainbows appear on the snow. If I just look through the fog, and not where it meets the clear, the snow only appears blue. Which is fine for me also, because; blue snow? Hell yeah!

This is true for other situations. When you are in a situation people tend to look at the world through black and white vision. They only see one perspective, they only see their side of the story, or they only think of it in one way. When I'm in these types of situations, I love to look at it from another's point of view. I love to bend the light shown on this one perspective, shown in only one color to my eyes, and I love to see it in multicolor. It helps me find a solution much faster, and it helps me to put my self in a better mood, to be content, because even though I've been where they are, I'm not now.

I think if we all try to bend the light a little bit, we can see that maybe we aren't so different after all. Maybe, just maybe, we all have troubles on the inside, but we're content, because if you look at your life.....

It's not as bad as some of the other peoples' lives out there.

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