Friday, December 31, 2010

The "L" word

Please, think about your feelings before you go throwing the "L" word around. Look at yourself, trying so hard to prove to me that you "love" him. I doubt that you ever had any feelings for him whatsoever. But keep trying to convince yourself that, I'm sure it'll work.

You feel left behind, that's what you feel. You want him because he hurt you, because you want to prove to yourself that you're not just some reject. You need to feel as though you can get him and keep him and not be left behind.

Don't you just hate it when people throw the "L" word around just for the heck of it? Like it's just a word, there's no meaning that lies behind it. It's meant for everyday use. To throw at anybody that gives you the opprotunity, and not saying it to whom we really should be.

"I love you" and "I hate you" are the single most common lies ever told.

Stop just throwing it around like it's nothing.

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