Sunday, September 19, 2010

Flaws Baby!

So, here I am watching my life pass by, when I realize that if you can't love yourself you're not entitled to love anything else. So I counted all of my flaws, and lapses in my appearance, and then I counted all of the things I actually like about myself. It came out I have more flaws, but that doesn't matter. I accept those flaws, that's all that counts.

So now I can actually say, that for once in my life, I love myself and I accept myself for who and what I am.

Whoever I choose to be, I know that in the end, even if I don't like parts of my body, or parts of my personality, that at least I can accept those flaws and move on.

You should be able to do that also.

1 comment:

  1. The thing with flaws is - it's all relative. I am really quite loud, chatty and make jokes constantly. I used to hate that about myself - I used to wish to be quiet and reserved and forced myself to at times.

    Out of the blue I was talking to an old friend who kept saying she used to envy me for being so chatty - for making so many people laugh so easily.

    Those flaws which you have listed may very well be the things others admire about you - so go you for not squashing them like I tried to :)


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