Sunday, September 5, 2010

C for Cheater

"What does being cheated on feel like?"

Like every bone in your body is being ripped apart and your head is exploding reapetedly, all while simultaneously your spine is being shoved down your throat. And you cry, and cry, and cry. And your heart hurts. You actually feel pain in your chest, although there is no internal cause, it's your mind inflicting pain onto yourself out of affliction. But no matter what the cause is the pain is still there.

And then when you don't think you can take it anymore, and you feel hopeless and lost, you try to call him and he doesn't answer his phone. Then you feel trapped, like every day is just another repeat, and you'll never get out of your daily rut. But you gradually start to feel better, you can finally sleep, you're finally eating, and going back to whatever it is that you love to do so much, whether is be writting, singing, painting, playing an instrument, dancing, or reading.

But all of the sudden they come back around, just when you think you're over them. And they pick and poke and bother you until they get a responce. Then they have the nerve to tell you they miss you, and that's when you assume he's lying, and that he never really loved you all along. And you try to figure out where everything went wrong, and you end up with a list that's two-thousand pages long, never stopping to think maybe it was him and not yourself.

Then you wonder to yourself what you did to deserve this. You never did anything bad, so karma should like you. But no, appearently not. So now you're watching him actually love another woman, and you feel so disgusted with yourself and your envy that you just feel like dropping to the ground right then and there and praying to God to take away your life. But you get better, with the help of true friends and true smiles always cheering you up.

Then you're thinking about how they never saw the tears, and they never felt the pain you felt. Because we all automatically assume that they do, which makes it so hard to forgive. Then you realize that they might be hurt also, and you realize that if they weren't there, then they don't know, they don't understand.

I'm still so angry he didn't right the wrongs he had done.

"They can walk a mile in your shoes, but they can never really look through your eyes."

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