Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Wrong Road

This day; good day. I suppose. I learn a little more every day, and I was told you don't find talent, talent finds you. Corny, but alright. What talent do I have? I have raw talent. I can write, type, whatever the situation. But given my circumstances do you believe I could pull off a job in that career field? Not a road less traveled, but a road people like to swerve off of. Things I already know but want to share with you:

1. Be beautiful.
2. The world doesn't stop spinning because someone else stops breathing.
3. Jealousy is the cousin of greed.
4. Don't be afraid to love someone.
5. What doesn't kill you makes you a stronger person.

I've had a lot of role models in my life, but I know one who will remain my role model for years to come. She's been so strong when it comes to heartbreak. I need to be strong. I can't find my will. Keltie Colleen. Keep at it. Another role model, here to stay, is the one person who broke Keltie's heart. But he was my role model first, and he's been my role model for 3 years now. Something about the way he writes inspires me to keep writing. I don't necessarily want to be exactly like him, now that he screwed his life up. But I do want to write like him. Ryan Ross. (Other role models include; Daddy and Jessica) And out to Ryan; every song I hear about a breakup reminds me of you two, and I don't know why, but I want you to get back together with Keltie. That will never happen, but whatever. I wrote this for you:

The Wrong Road

They should not be scars.
They shouldn’t be regrets.
They’re the ones who’d tried to help,
With whatever you had left.

They’re the ones who stood in your shadow,
Stepped back and let you shine.
How could you think anything else,
Of those people whom had tried?

They just couldn’t salvage,
What dignity you had.
Now look down the road you took,
And see the sign that reads “Go back.”

The one’s who pulled you under,
With the evil that they did.
They stand farther down the road,
And they pull you further in.

So let me ask a question.
Is it true that you are blind?
The one’s that tried to help,
No longer stand by your side.

They stopped after a while,
After your shrugged them off your shoulder.
Now they look at you with disgust,
Because you’re getting colder.

It’s not too late to go back.
I’m sure they still love you too.
They’ll smile with relief,
Only if that’s what you choose.

1 comment:

  1. this is so perfect and so beautiful. thank you for sharing :)


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