Sunday, June 16, 2013

happy Father's Day papa cat


I know you love me,
you know I love you.
We both know you're an absent role in my life,
hiding somewhere in the depths of hell
and poking your head up every few months
to check in on your one and only daughter.
I'd like to change that,
and I know you do too.

You're the biggest narcissistic,
self-loathing, sarcastic asshole known to man.
You're a walking contradiction
and I am your mirrored counterpart.
I am truly your daughter,
with our twisted sense of humor,
quick wit and sarcastic replies.
You keep me on my toes and
I keep your soles on the ground
(when we're together, that is)..

I love you papa cat,
and I hope you find peace soon.

Much love,

- Kitten

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