Saturday, December 24, 2011


Fine then, nobody gets a cookie.

Okie, Mr. and Mrs. Swoon are engaged! Makes me smile. So are T. and Kazo, but I didn't have internet when they announced that...then I found out and forgot to blog about it. Funny? Eh?
Okay, I'm gonna sound ridiculous here, but does anybody know why, when one person gets engaged, the whole world is like "hmm, how romantic, me jock you!?" Just sayin', first it was Beardy, then T, now Mr. Swoon. I feel like everybody intertwined within that personal web somehow transferred the idea of marriage onto one another.
I'm happy for 'em, trust me I am, but seriously. The whole world is moving on without me! Ahh, no, I kid I kid. Oh well, let's hope Kelts is in the happs and the rest of the fams be smilin'. (Let's hope Keltie is happy and the rest of her friends support her too...) Oh, and can we get Herm to tweet more? Oh, and Kazo. Love that chick.

Ah, for the people who know not what I speaketh, Mrs. Swoon = Keltie Colleen. Mr. Swoon = Chris ____. Hermit = Ryan Ross. T. = Brendon Urie. Kazo = Sarah (last name too long). They're nicknames people!

Now join me in a very merry over-rated Christmas Eve! Let's party!

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