Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I'm home alone, and I don't feel like writing. I feel like going out tonight and getting trashed. I know, that sounds so bad when I put it in words, but it's so true. It's what I feel. I feel like smoking a bunch of pot, getting drunk off my ass, and having sex with ten different men that I haven't the slightest clue of their names. But I won't. I might go out with a friend, or my boyfriend, but I'm not a party girl (by definition) and I'm certainly no slut.
I have this pent up energy from doing nothing. I bowl, come home, sleep, wake up, eat, sleep, wake up, then go to school, and then repeat. Do you know how much of a rut my life has become? I want some adventure. And unfortunately for me, an adventure is defined by how boring one's life is...and mine is. Boring as fuck.  No friends want to talk to me, and I can't drive (legally).

Okay, story time.

I went to CTC on a field trip with my sophomore class today. I don't wanna go.
But something the man said there got me thinking.

"Every picture is worth a thousand words." - guy (and some other famous guy that he was quoting.)

So does that means every word is worth a thousand pictures?

 Even the word 'Silence' has so many definitions. You could have a picture of someone who was raped, or some little child who is beat, or someone's wife who's cheating, and even, you could have someone who witnessed a murder. They're all silent, are they not? They're silent 'cause they're too afraid to speak. Or you could have a war veteran that was too close to a bomb when it detonated, so now he/she's deaf. They would be silent, would they not?

Every picture tells a story. That's what I'm here to do, to tell a story. To tell many stories. So, maybe I should just start telling stories by my pictures. Because if you guys can't understand my silence, then you certainly will not be able to understand my words.

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