Tuesday, December 27, 2011

You pressure me! I hate that! I feel rushed. I feel like I have to love you.
You're the only guy that will look at me.
But you're not the only guy that can make me feel like shit
and still be happy at the same time.

No, see, I have this thing called a father.

Dad and Mickie, I guess this post it dedicated to you.

STOP IT! Get the hell out of my head!
You get under my skin,
make me think no other guy will love me.
Look at me.

Hey Dad:
Stop coming back when I don't need you.
Stop making feel like I can trust you,
like I can rely on you.
Stop not being there when I do need you.
Stop making me feel like I can't trust you,
like I can't rely on you.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Fine then, nobody gets a cookie.

Okie, Mr. and Mrs. Swoon are engaged! Makes me smile. So are T. and Kazo, but I didn't have internet when they announced that...then I found out and forgot to blog about it. Funny? Eh?
Okay, I'm gonna sound ridiculous here, but does anybody know why, when one person gets engaged, the whole world is like "hmm, how romantic, me jock you!?" Just sayin', first it was Beardy, then T, now Mr. Swoon. I feel like everybody intertwined within that personal web somehow transferred the idea of marriage onto one another.
I'm happy for 'em, trust me I am, but seriously. The whole world is moving on without me! Ahh, no, I kid I kid. Oh well, let's hope Kelts is in the happs and the rest of the fams be smilin'. (Let's hope Keltie is happy and the rest of her friends support her too...) Oh, and can we get Herm to tweet more? Oh, and Kazo. Love that chick.

Ah, for the people who know not what I speaketh, Mrs. Swoon = Keltie Colleen. Mr. Swoon = Chris ____. Hermit = Ryan Ross. T. = Brendon Urie. Kazo = Sarah (last name too long). They're nicknames people!

Now join me in a very merry over-rated Christmas Eve! Let's party!

Friday, December 23, 2011

First one to understand this gets a cookie :p

Here I am so feculent,
addle while I wait.
Be I daffed from common dolts,
thick be common trait.
My laund in front sits puling,
so I myself can hear its cry.
Aye, but I myself am reechy,
and am seeking lye.
Thy swain hath dubbed my scathful.
How chagrined be I!
Be thy stile mouldering,
but thy hearth still be sly!
I hinder me, incense me,
for my being lackluster and matte.
I beseech thee, oh get me,
I am just a ziggurat!

Friday, December 16, 2011


Why don’t you listen to me? Like damn. People want to be heard, but we’re all too damn wrapped in ourselves to listen. We only hear what we wanna hear, and we only retain 25% of what we hear. Am I the only one who sees a problem with that? Stop talking about yourself ‘cause you like to hear yourself talk and start listening. I keep trying to tell you how I feel, but you don’t understand how I can be so angry with my life when I “have everything.” So I don’t talk. Then you try to understand that, but you can’t; which just proves that if you can’t understand my silence, you’ll never understand my words

 Stop pushing me to talk to you when I want to be silent, and listen to me when I want to speak.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

last night

my rebellion has been officially turned on.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sweatpants Party anyone?

I'm currently having a sweatpants party with me bitch jessica, to whom i refer to as Mangoes. I'm peaches. Or Peachizz. (; here are some pictures.

Me & my really really best friend.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I'm home alone, and I don't feel like writing. I feel like going out tonight and getting trashed. I know, that sounds so bad when I put it in words, but it's so true. It's what I feel. I feel like smoking a bunch of pot, getting drunk off my ass, and having sex with ten different men that I haven't the slightest clue of their names. But I won't. I might go out with a friend, or my boyfriend, but I'm not a party girl (by definition) and I'm certainly no slut.
I have this pent up energy from doing nothing. I bowl, come home, sleep, wake up, eat, sleep, wake up, then go to school, and then repeat. Do you know how much of a rut my life has become? I want some adventure. And unfortunately for me, an adventure is defined by how boring one's life is...and mine is. Boring as fuck.  No friends want to talk to me, and I can't drive (legally).

Okay, story time.

I went to CTC on a field trip with my sophomore class today. I don't wanna go.
But something the man said there got me thinking.

"Every picture is worth a thousand words." - guy (and some other famous guy that he was quoting.)

So does that means every word is worth a thousand pictures?

 Even the word 'Silence' has so many definitions. You could have a picture of someone who was raped, or some little child who is beat, or someone's wife who's cheating, and even, you could have someone who witnessed a murder. They're all silent, are they not? They're silent 'cause they're too afraid to speak. Or you could have a war veteran that was too close to a bomb when it detonated, so now he/she's deaf. They would be silent, would they not?

Every picture tells a story. That's what I'm here to do, to tell a story. To tell many stories. So, maybe I should just start telling stories by my pictures. Because if you guys can't understand my silence, then you certainly will not be able to understand my words.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Favorites Things

I know, I know; haven't been on in a while. I apologize. I'm always busy with bowling, and I'm writing again. This story I'm writing, although I've only been writing it for a couple of weeks, is already 20 something pages, and I'm extremely excited.
Well, to make up for my lack of presence on blogger, I'll go ahead and post some of my favorite things.

1. Music
2. Books
3. Coffee
4. The feeling of the sun on my skin
5. Uncontrollable laughter
6. Pacing
7. Taking pictures of things that might catch my eye
8. Eating
9. Sleeping
10. People that can actually hold a conversation
11. Making somebody's day
12. The smiles you give to someone you're close with
13. Inside jokes you know no one else will get
14. Being confident and being rewarded for it
15. Making new friends
16.  Cookie-dough (mmmmmmm :p)
17. Blue eyes <3
18. Twisted humor
19. When people actually get my sarcasm
20. Random acts of kindness

(21. Cute guys/girls)