Sunday, January 23, 2011


It's not, "Julie will you please let the dogs out?" It's, "Julie, let the fucking dogs out."

It's not, "Julie will you please do the dishes?" It's more like, "RAWR! Nothing ever gets done around this house because you stupid little fucking morons don't know how to do shit. You just let these dishes sit here and now my house smells!" "Well I did the dishes last night, (blatant lie) so Julie should do them now."

It's not, "Julie, will you please get the dogs clean water/food?" It's, "Julie, get the dogs some god damn clean water/food."

Hello? You talk to me like I'm dirt under your fucking feet. You don't repsect me, and you expect me to give all of my respect to you? And yet you wonder why I don't say "I love you," back to you. You wonder why I never wanna come out of my room. You wonder why I'm always away from the house. You wonder why I never talk when I'm around you guys.

Well, maybe this is why? Did that ever cross your mind?

Maybe the slave has feelings too, maybe she doesn't just want to hear that superficial doesn't-really-mean-it "I love you." at the end of our conversations. Maybe she's tired of being pushed around because she can succeed and you didn't.

I'm tired of constantly being treated like a puppet. I'm tired of trying to put my foot down, and each time getting a fist-full of "You don't respect me!" or "You treat me like shit!" thrown back in my face. I'm tired of it.

One of these days you're going to push me too far, and I'm gonna end up snapping. I'm so close.

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