Monday, January 21, 2013

update on life

update on life: fuck you.

Reading an extremely fucked up book: The Death of Bees. I suggest you read it.

Growing up without a father is raising children without an adequate mother is teen pregnancy and poverty is life selling drugs is prostitution and addiction is...

This book has my mind all fucked up.

Excerpt of imaginary book that might soon become a tangible idea (oxymoron):

"The qualms of my reflection are stopped by the palpable force of the mirror. You are just a ghost in glass, dotted with the drops of rain. What say do you have in the actions I take? You just reflect my guilt and sorrow. Tell me things I already know, like your mind holds a different dimension than my own. Dare you point your finger in our face and scream that the fault falls on my shoulders? What right do you have to separate our bodies, and blame one for the actions of another? We are we not I. What right do you have to hold superiority to me, when you just mirror the inferior me? Dare you judge like you would've done differently, when you can make no decisions of your own? I must take a mirror with me everywhere, so your idiocy can be stopped when you are there mirroring the same mistakes as I. Now you hold no greater position, you sit on no higher of a pedestal. You are me not you. Now laugh at me! You can't! It was you as well! You were there! You cannot judge your reflection!"

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