Monday, July 18, 2011


Some people need to realize the word "Anonymous" does not mean say whatever the hell you feel like saying because the person on the other end won't know who you are. You people might not realize that it's real to you, because you're not on the receiving end. It doesn't feel real because your not talking to them in person. You don't have to worry that guilty conscience because you can't see their reactions to your malicious words.
Just because your not talking to someone face-to-face does not mean you are not talking to someone. I've never been Cyberbullied like girl, Taylor, in the movie, but it has happened to me before. I've seen it happen before. It can happen to anyone. And trust me, it doesn't matter how mean or nasty the receiving person is, nobody deserves to be belittled like that.
It feels like it never ends. It follows you home. Someone started a rumor of me online, that spread to the school, that spread to my enemies friends, then to my enemies, and my friends. My very own friends who were skeptical at first that said rumors weren't true. It rains down on you and you feel as if there's no escape. I would know because, even though, in the past when I was bullied, most of it was not online, I still experienced first-hand that dreadful alone feeling of rumor after nasty rumor.
So people, you might not realize you are doing it, but you are. Calling someone "stupid" or "ugly" or "fat" is just as demeaning online as it is in person, and it hurts just the same. Somebody needs to call attention to it, because even though it doesn't seem like such a big deal if it's online: it's still bullying, and it's still causes emotional damage that can sometimes be permanent. So instead of belittling, try saying something positive. The effect, even if you don't know or like the person, can be surprising.

"If you can describe yourself in one word, why would you try and do that to someone else? Maybe instead of labeling, you should try keeping your nose on your face."

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